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Jan Januszowski

born 1550, Cracow
died 30 November 1613, Nowy Sącz


Joannes Lazari, Lazarides, a son of Łazarz Andrysowicz and Barbara Wietorowa. He went by the name of Januszowski from 1575, he was awarded a noble title in 1588.


He began his studies at the Liberal Arts Faculty of the Cracow Academy. He continued to build his knowledge at Emperor Maximilian II’s court and as a secretary at Sigismund Augustus’ court. From 1575 until 1576, he studied law in Padua.


After returning to the country, he became the secretary of Stephen Bathory. In 1577, Januszowski took over his deceased father’s printing house. He modernized the place following the western practices. It operated under the name Lazarus’ Printing House. He published a total of more than 400 titles, including the Bible translated by Jakub Wujek (1599) and Jan Kochanowski’s works. He took part in establishing the printing house of the Zamoyska Academy. A Latin translator, writer, he published a book on Polish orthography using a new typeface (1594). He joined the clergy in 1601, after his wife and children died.


  • Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa, Januszowski Jan Łazarzowic, [w:] Polski słownik biograficzny, t. 10, Wrocław 1962–1964, s. 598–600.
  • Januszowski Jan, [w:] Dawni pisarze polscy od początków piśmiennictwa do Młodej Polski. Przewodnik biograficzny i bibliograficzny, t. 2: I–Me, Warszawa 2001, s. 32–34.
  • Januszowski Jan, [w:] Bibliografia literatury polskiej „Nowy Korbut” – Piśmiennictwo staropolskie, t. 2 (hasła osobowe A–M), Warszawa 1964, s. 286–289.
  • Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba, Czcionką i piórem. Jan Januszowski w roli pisarza i tłumacza, Kraków 2007.

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