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terminów gramatycznych online
Polish language
Hasło w cytatach: Polish
Język: angielski
Język: angielski
Historia języka, Ogólnojęzykowy (współcześnie)
But these particles can be used not only with verbs but with other words, so as to cause the sentence to be shaped in many different ways, and this peculiarity of the Polish language is deserving of careful consideration ; thus we may say either dobrze pisałem, or dobrzem pisał, 'I have written well' ja pilny jestem, or jam pilny jest, 'I am industrious', wczora rano byles w kościele or wczora ranos był w kościele, ' Thou wert early at church yesterday'.
As brevity has been aimed at in this Grammar, I shall allow myself to omit those points of Syntax which are not peculiar to Polish, but are shared in by the majority of languages.