terminów gramatycznych online
Slavonic languages
In the Slavonic languages we also find collective numerals, as czworo, 'a collection of four' , pięcioro dzieci, 'a band of five children'.
The following examples will, it is believed, dearly illustrate the various uses of this case, which is often peculiarly employed in the Slavonic languages:—jechał nocą, ‘ he travelled during the night' jadł łyżką, ‘he ate with a spoon' złapał zająca żywcem, ‘he has caught a hare alive' nazywał mnie przyjacielem, ‘he called me friend'.
The following examples will, it is believed, clearly illustrate the various uses of this case [the Instrumental], which is often peculiarly employed in the Slavonic languages: - jechal nocą, 'he travelled during the night';' jadl łyzką, 'he ate with a spoon'; złapał zająca żywcem, 'he has caught a hare alive'; nazywal mnie przyjacielem, 'he called me friend'.